Reactivity Class

Starting Monday the 9th of September at 7pm
(next lot starts 28th of October)

This is a 4 session class to help owners with reactive dogs practise around other dogs. Three sessions in a controlled environment and the other three on different busy environments. I am sure many of you already worked with a trainer but struggle finding dogs to practise around.
We will not be avoiding dogs but dealing with the situation head on.

If your dog barks or lunges you will not be kicked out of class. We all here to support each other.

Tell me more!

This class is suitable for dogs that are nervous or anxious of other dogs.
Dogs nervous of people are not suitable for this class.

This way gives you a chance to practise the training in between sessions. Reactivity takes

In the class we will focus on:

- Counter Conditioning
- Alternative Behaviours to display around dogs
- Discussing different methods of approaching reactivity training
- Lead Walking Skills
- Building Engagement
- Learning how to navigate around triggers on your daily walks
- A chance to practise these skills around the dogs in class but also a stooge dog.

Other benefits:

- 6 weeks of Daily WhatsApp support
- Having a trainer support you through the training
- Meet others who are currently working through the same thing as you.
- Learn new skills that can help you navigating the world with your dog.
- Getting your confidence up so you can enjoy walking your dog again

Location: Avon Riding Centre, Bristol, BS10 7QT + various Parks
Price: £160
Spaces: 4

When: Monday the 9th, 7pm - 8pm for 6 weeks

Class Dates :

1. Monday the 9th of September 7pm - 8pm - indoor venue
2. Monday the 16th of September 7pm - 8pm - indoor venue
3. Monday the 23rd of September 7pm - 8pm - indoor venue
4. Monday the 30th of September 7pm - 8pm - Wills Hall (Clifton Down)

(No class on the 7th as I am away)

5. Monday the 14th of October 7pm - 8pm - Sea Mills Playing Fields
6. Monday the 21st of October 7pm - 8pm - Location based on dogs progress

It can also get dark at this time in October, I would recommend getting light up collars/lights for your dogs to wear.