Walk and Train

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What is a Walk and Train?

When a dog trainer takes your dog on a walk and uses the time to train your dog. This can be to work on behavioural issues or just training issues.

A lot of owners give up on the training as they don’t see results or don’t understand the training. This means they can go through multiple trainers and feel defeated at the end.

I can walk your dog work on getting solid basics and hand over the rest of the training to you or finish the training for you.

My clients also struggle finding dogs to work on, don’t worry I will bring dogs with me to help your dog progress. We will not spend weeks in a secure field but get out in the real world and provide your dogs with skills you need for everyday life.

In our walk and train we are happy to work on any obedience and reactivity towards dogs, traffic, bikes etc. We are only able to walk human reactive dogs if the dog would accept us. Otherwise it will be too stressful for them.

Meet the Team

Dog Trainer & Behaviourist

I have been working with dogs the last 10 years.
Helping rescues in the uk and abroad, walking dogs and the last 4 years as a professional dog trainer. My passion has always helping nervous and reactive dogs. My goal for all my services has always been making sure that owners enjoy walking their dog again.

Trainee Dog Trainer

Pat is an experienced Solo Dog Walker who specialises in walking reactive dogs. She has been shadowing me for the last year and assisting me in classes. You can also find her at Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary few times a week. Her goal for the next year is finish her dog training qualification.

Pat’s walking and dog sitting business is - Sit, Stay, GO!

Please fill in the form below if you would like to book a Walk and Train

The packages we offer

One off Walk and Train - £45
You can book these any point and don’t have to commit to a package. These session are great if you want a day off training your dog or have a busy week. Please be aware a one off won’t fix any training or behavioural issues, more then one session is needed.

Package 1 - Includes 1 Walk and Train session every week for 4 weeks. WhatsApp support for the duration of training. After each session you will get short notes and footage from the session. Small amount of homework to help the progress of the training. The price also includes a hand over session.

Price: £249

Package 2 - Includes 2 Walk and Trains every week for 4 weeks. WhatsApp support for the duration of training. After each session you will get short notes and footage from the session. Small amount of homework to help the progress of the training. The price also includes a hand over session.

Price: £399

Package 3 - Includes 1 Walk and Trains session every week for 6 weeks. WhatsApp support for the duration of training. After each session you will get short notes and footage from the session. Small amount of homework to help the progress of the training. The price also includes a hand over session.

Price: £325

Package 4 - Mix of One to One sessions and Walk and Trains. Price dependent on amount of sessions and walk and trains you are after. Perfect for behaviour cases, to help boost your confidence handling your dog and me progressing te training for you in between sessions.

I am also happy to create tailored packages, like meeting your dog twice a week for 6 - 8 weeks. Please be aware that progress can differ from dog to dog and training takes time. Dog training doesn’t ‘fix’ a dog in a session but changes their behaviour over time.

WhatsApp Support - Allows you to message me daily and send over videos of you training for feedback. Take advantage of it!

Handover Session - An hour training session where you join us and we make sure you understand all the training and can apply it on walks.